CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n.
Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right

CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n.
Cretin who loves to skate concrete

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Help!!! There's a MONSTER in my basement!

Cretins come thru and the Monster is under control!

Heard some growling downstairs and what did I find???

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I'm goin'. I'm fkn goin', 'n'ats all there is to it. - Jules Winnfield

I know baby. You'll dig it the most. - Vincent Vega

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It Happened Today

Years in the making. Never whole-heartedly attempted. It happened today. At the very spot pictured... or a tad bit lower than that *very* spot. IT HAPPENED TODAY!

No, this isn't deja vu. And no, what I did wasn't nearly as cool as Nikoli. But I did do something I have never whole-heartedly attempted nor succeeded at this morning. Before the rain set in, wearing camo pants and a fleece jacket under my pads to beat the cold, I pulled off my first frontside kickturn.

Ooooooh. Big effing deal, right? Well, I have only a few tricks in my bag and enjoy speed carving more than anything, so it is a big deal to me. Plus ths will open up more lines at the park as well as offer more fluidity at the Barnacle (where the goofy-footed, non-frontside kickturners find themselves "cornered" quickly).

The first one I tried felt like about the weirdest thing in the world on wheels and wood - and I bailed. Then I nailed the second attempt. Nailed the third. Bailed the fourth. And then nailed and nailed after that. I've always "cheated" my frontsides by simply carving into a corner or something where the curvature of the 'crete "sticks" me during the turn. But this was flat on the wooden half-pipe and counted.

Mark it 8, dude!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Long Time Goal Attained

Here's the thing about Nik. He brings the stoke. Even if he doesn't bring it with him for his own personal use, he brings it for YOU. Every time - every skate. He may be havin one of those shitty skates that everyone gets served up occasionally (or often, for some of us), but, when it is your run, he still gives you props. Hell, YOU may be havin one of those shitty skates that everyone gets served up occasionally (or often, for some of us), but, when it is your run, he is there to remind you that every run is a good run. Because you had a chance to get a run. Because: a) you are above ground, and b) you are on a skateboard. Sometimes it is easy to lose sight of the specialness of these two seemingly small things. Nik, however, seems to never forget the value of these things and his stoke reminds YOU that these are good things. That is why Nik Rocks.

So, when Nik checks a box on his skate card - a box that has been mocking him for years with its vacuous, blindingly white, emptiness of checklessness - he deserves BIG props. A big build up and his own damn post complete with video. THIS is why Nik Rocks!

So, Cheers to YOU, Mr. Dawson! May the Skate Gods always smile on you!!

It Happened Today

Years in the making. Hundreds of attempts. It happened today. At the very spot pictured. IT HAPPENED TODAY!

TUNE in TOMORROW for complete video coverage!!!!!