CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n. Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n. Cretin who loves to skate concrete
posted by Nikoli @ 5:19 PM
At 9:51 PM, OMP said…
Have fun guys! Make sure you post and tell us all about it.We'll be moving Jr's Mini to the cabin in the woods while you're gone. Maybe we can have a rebuild party when you get back.
At 9:19 AM, travio said…
OMP, Kyle tells me that the rebuild party is possibly going to happen on Dec. 4th. Let me know and I'll make plans to be there.Travio
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At 9:51 PM,
OMP said…
Have fun guys! Make sure you post and tell us all about it.
We'll be moving Jr's Mini to the cabin in the woods while you're gone. Maybe we can have a rebuild party when you get back.
At 9:19 AM,
travio said…
OMP, Kyle tells me that the rebuild party is possibly going to happen on Dec. 4th. Let me know and I'll make plans to be there.
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