CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n.
Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right

CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n.
Cretin who loves to skate concrete

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Patti Hurst's Cretinous Skatecation . . .



Grove City is a sick sick park

Skidz is a rocknrolla

Dr J taking it to the deep end

Indys on lock

Skidz givin it to the loveseat. Bend over, he'll drive.

Bill lookin like one mean sumbitch

Squint if you like band t-shirts

Patti in one of the kooky little bowls

Skidz and I really liked this one

Tight ain't it?

Skidz tryin' like hell for that deathbox

Smile if you like janky bowls

I asked Jason if he was game to drop the over vert. No hesitation. YES!

Following suit

Fiesta time

Patti:  "This one's fer the Cretins"

Lil Ollie's sesh on the way home

Bowl a Skidz

DR J tryin some big boy shit on a big boy ramp

I had Patti's camera out of focus. Woulda been a good one . . .

This was only day one. To be continued . . . 

Sunday, August 16, 2009

'Tis Been a While

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Another Rad Day in Louisville . . .

How many DR's do you know that can do an Indy Air and have a Black Flag tattoo on the back of their neck? None? That's what I thought.  Doc Jason with style.

Jason didn't like the looks of Seth bailing these with no pads so he GAVE him a pretty damn decent set of Smiths.  Seth didn't make it (yet).

His backside airs are on lock though.

They were definitely getting higher with the pad security.

Skidz's FS Airs are getting higher as well . . . 

Hip hop into the pipe. Skidz.

Seth upping the ante . . . 

Seth getting a little shade on a glorious day.