CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n.
Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right

CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n.
Cretin who loves to skate concrete

Friday, May 05, 2006

Good Fortune Smiles on Skidzilla

Mobile Skidzilla: The photo was posted with my phone, and I promise to post a couple from the road (hopefully with more visible features - this one was just a test).

I got a last minute trip to Nirvana - I'm headin' to San Diego on Monday. I get in about 12PM and I'm headin' straight to a park. I might only get one day of skatin' in, so, I'm trying to hit a couple. The YMCA seems the get the best cred for the pool, but the Y is closed on Mon/Tues - not sure I'll get there. It looks like Memorial and Washington Street are on the Monday agenda. Wish we were all goin' cuz, as Nick always says, it's more fun skatin with you guys.

Pray I don't get eaten, beaten, or maimed by the locals - or the 'crete for that matter!


  • At 9:15 PM, Blogger Nikoli said…

    DAMN those parks look schweet! Rip that 'crete Skidzilla! Gotta leave some KY urethane on those walls! "Party on Garth. Party on Wayne."


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