CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n.
Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right

CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n.
Cretin who loves to skate concrete

Monday, May 08, 2006

Derby Weekend

Spectators suck in general. Churchill Downs (and even the parking lots?) were completely trashed when it was over. How hard is it to throw your trash away? Losers and losers in fancy hats. Get the hell out now, thank you. OK. I'm done. (But you people still suck.)

Skated to work on Friday just to avoid driving all the way around the track to get back home. Easy trek and stopped at a friends house on the way home for Margaritas! Alice joined in later and Oaks Day was cool and uneventful. Derby day started with a good session with the BrosSkid, Gib, and Kyle. Mark and Brett even rolled in. Had a good session as the park was EMPTY! I love it when that happens. For some reason, (Tucson suckage) I've apparently gotten a bit fearful of the 'crete. So I need to hit the mini-ramp at CasaDeBFMFWMUALLA this week. I haven't been to skate nite in a few weeks. And the ramp as it is now has limited time left. It was great to see Steve back on urethane, even if he doesn't feel 100%. I don't think anyone had a killer session, but a good time was still had by all. I hit a good kickflip out of the bank. Caught it in the air, no balance check, perfect. Why can't I always do that? I did everything exactly the same as the 5 tries before that! But no injuries, no mega slams. And that's always a good day. The rest of my day was spent working in the yard with my woman. I always feel better afte a productive day. And winning the pool at work on the Derby favorite is always fun.

Sunday morning I went to church for a short session. I got to see everyone, but only skated with Buckeye Jon for a few, as he rolled in slow to avoid the state police welcome wagon. He brought gifts of his witness of Burnquist and Glifberg rippage at Ollies. INSANITY! Bob ain't afraid o' no 14' oververt! Jon risked multiple board-to-noggen possibilities to get some great footage! Well done. Dave needs to do some good deeds this week in SanDiego as I witnessed yet another glance of board to berries. Get some good Karma or start wearing a cup dude. Everyone was hitting good long runs. Mark was planning to patch the big hole in the full pipe. He needs to send the Mayor the bill!

Went to pick up the new ride - golf cart. It BARELY fit on the trailer. Not a centimeter to spare. The cart is MUCH slower than I had hoped, and now I'm debating whether to deal with it or spend even more to upgrade the motor... dammit. Can nothing be simple? Well, no. 5 miles down the highway we had a blow out on the trailer. No damage, but even though we knew it was a possibility, it was LOUD and scared the bejeezus outta me(read:skidmark!). A GREAT Samaritan stopped and helped with the tire change. (If he hadn't, it would have been an all day affair, as I didn't have the proper tool for trailer lugs, and the spare was flat!) Thanks again dude from Minnesota! The cart is now resting in the backyard patiently waiting for new shoes and perhaps some new muscle. And the trailer is waiting for new tires... I had enough projects dammit.

So how was YOUR Derby weekend? Looking forward to seeing mobile posts from Skidzilla of some SanDiego 'crete!


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