Dew Tour Gnar Photos

AndyMac - frontside rodeo huckin' thing

PLG - Nose blunt or optical illusion?

Congrats! 1st and 2nd!

Chris Miller - He skates better than you.

What's that smell?

Gnar, gnar, and not.

Dane - padless madness

Varial in your face

B I G transfer

F A S T p l a n t

Beginning the hip transfer line

Pokin' a frontside - watch yer hat

Cretins - TonyMag bummin' on the fence

Tryin' to capture gnar on film

The fastest skating I've ever seen here!! Walter is the Big Kahuna.

Can you do this? Not as fast as Walter.
At 8:42 PM,
Nikoli said…
Great shots Jon! Are those vid captures?? I hope so! 'Cause that means KILLER FOOTAGE! I'll add captions...
At 8:38 AM,
OMP said…
And then OMP was bummin in Lex!
At 7:41 AM,
gimpinainteasy said…
Yup, those are from video. Nice captioning Nick (I didn't have time). I hope someone is skating next weekend cuz I'm watching the Skidzilla estate starting Thursday night 7/6 thru Sunday 7/9 while they are in Idaho. Access to the park for 4 days!!! Hope to hit Kyle's as well while I'm in town. Can't wait.
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Looks like another KY Bluegrass Aggression Session. Killin park pictures, captions were helpful, thanks Cretins!
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
WOW! Great coverage of the event and killer pics. Can't wait to see the video. :) What an amzaing collection of skaters and postive energy!
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