Sangria Session

Cullo Pollo made Sangria for our Wednesday session. Some of us needed it more than others. I did not drink, and skated no better than last week. But at least my head didn't hurt when I got home. I did have a small cup before I left, it was good stuff. Thanks Chicken!
The session was insane. A large crew, and some young guns who were absolutely killing it! Some "inward hardflip alley oop lookin' thing" made me sorry I didn't bring the video cam. Smithers was skatin' fast and loose, and landing everything, though the blunt fakie beat the hell out of him first. And after a few tries, Edward landed the frontside grind OFF the extension and back into the ramp... and then a few runs later, the ramp gods said no more, and smited him on his elbow. It was either fractured or popped out of socket... Hang tough Edward. Get well soon. (coverage note: Ed has an interview over at So with Smithers leg bleeding, and Edward on the way to the hospital, the session slowed. No one wanted to follow that slam... but Dan risked the first run, and Skidzilla and I followed, to keep the session going. The ramp gods' bloodlust seemed satisfied, but yet they still denied me rock sliders, again. Maybe it's just my lack of talent. Nah, couldn't be. Until next session... go get your skate on.
-Excellent Smithers. Feeble fakie.

-Veni, Vedi, Bleedy.

-Chicken Butt, Backside Disaster

-FRO, Radley. This is a boneless... yea, seriously. He can skeet a bit.

-FRO, Hurricane grind.

-Grindin' 5-0 by the Skidzilla.

-Philster, nosin' the coping.

-Nick (not Nik) with a big ole ollie.

-Junior has been on a mission to defeat fs gayness. Mission accomplished.

-From the extension, over the gap, and back in. This wasn't the one to elbow. Get well soon Man!

At 1:36 PM,
Gosh said…
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At 1:40 PM,
Gosh said…
I am pleased that you called this session the 'Sangria Session' I am also glad that everyone enjoyed. I will prepare more some other time.
It was crowded but it makes everything more interesting. I hope Ed gets better soon. good pictures Nik.
I can believe I am the first one writing about this article.
Let's skate this Wednesday or Thursday again and prepare a barbecue.
At 2:27 PM,
Nikoli said…
Looks like rain on Wednesday (for now)... Can we move this to Thursday? Has anyone heard how Ed is doing? We certainly should organize a "potluck" session so Lynn can sit back and provide nothing but maybe ice for the cooler(s)...
At 6:29 PM,
gimpinainteasy said…
Man, I am SO missing out on these sessions. Wish I coulda been there . . .
At 7:48 AM,
Junior said…
thursday works better for me but i don't expect y'all to bend the routine bc of one jr. member.
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