CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n.
Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right

CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n.
Cretin who loves to skate concrete

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Introducing RUBY!

Because every team needs a Ruby!

Junior and Patricia signed for a delivery on Monday, Sept. 14th at 8:51 pm. 8 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long. Momma, Poppa and baby are well and at home learning how to live life with no sleep.

-Babies come with hats.

Welcome to the planet Ruby June! We're glad you're here. And welcome to the Journey J&P...

Life is grand.


  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger travio said…

    Big Congratulation Josh and Patricia. She is beautiful!

    I'm going to assume that you are not skating tonight;-)


  • At 1:13 PM, Anonymous patti hurst said…

    Welcome Ruby! Nice job mom and dad!

  • At 2:26 PM, Blogger DeadBrinley said…

    Congrats, you two!

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger Gosh said…

    Congratulations Josh and Patricia!!!


  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger gimpinainteasy said…

    WOOHOO ! ! ! Congrats Josh and Patricia (and RUBY!)

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger Junior said…

    thanks cretins, Ruby June is awesome! Loving it!

  • At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    beautiful baby congrats mom and dad.


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