CRETIN: /kret'in/, /kree'tn/, n. Congenital loser; an obnoxious person; someone who can't do anything right CONCRETIN: /kahn'kret'in/, /kahn'kree'tn/, n. Cretin who loves to skate concrete
posted by Skidzilla @ 7:57 AM
At 8:17 PM, gimpinainteasy said…
Sick Dave!!I like how you turned your "look at me go over the scary door multiple times video" into a "tour of the park" video...Park looks RAD.
At 8:58 PM, Nikoli said…
HAHA! Still gnarly. Rip it up Skidzilla!
At 2:57 PM, Skidzilla said…
'twas scary. But it shouldn't have been. It's not much different than carving our 8' bowl. With a few folks around and enough stoke from the brethren, I feel like I could get it FS. Then I would've called the vid something else.
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At 8:17 PM,
gimpinainteasy said…
Sick Dave!!
I like how you turned your "look at me go over the scary door multiple times video" into a "tour of the park" video...
Park looks RAD.
At 8:58 PM,
Nikoli said…
HAHA! Still gnarly. Rip it up Skidzilla!
At 2:57 PM,
Skidzilla said…
'twas scary. But it shouldn't have been. It's not much different than carving our 8' bowl. With a few folks around and enough stoke from the brethren, I feel like I could get it FS. Then I would've called the vid something else.
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